There’s a new link up in the menus at that top of this page. Do you see it? “Adventures in Jodysitting”. If you click it, you can read about [and get a link to] my first podcast since the heady days of the Dumpcast. I’m sure one or two of you remember my video podcast from 10+ years ago that is no longer available on iTunes [insert moment of silence]. (Refer to these out-of-date gems: THE PODCAST! and DumpCast Home in Flux)
This is an audio podcast, because time and those little Entenmann’s pies have not been kind to me. Sure, I’ll consider tossing a video up from time to time, but really, it’s all about the audio.

My voice doesn’t sound as sexy as I thought it would, and I don’t even smoke unfiltered cigarettes. Is it possibly a side effect of starting each day with a healthy swig of rubbing alcohol followed by the cinnamon challenge? I’ll have to rethink my morning routine.
For anyone who has read about my drunk shopping * adventures here or on Twitter, you may be interested in Episode 8, which features me at the grocery story after 2 very healthy rum punches.