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It’s Cozy Fire in the Fireplace Season Again

I am sad that summer is over. I say this every year, so you don’t need to hear me go into my perpetual whine about missing out on summer fun, going to the beach, etc. If I could afford it, I’d go to the beach this weekend. Screw the weather, I just want a room with a view of the ocean. And preferably something with some heat, because that’s pretty much unavailable from nature any more.

I’m glad autumn sort of eases in, because if it just dropped from perfect beach day to perfect apple picking day, I would spiral into an out of control case of the dumps. I’d be down in them. But the way it works out, but the time the trees are all turning, I’m excited about it, and I get to have my camera handy to try to take The Most Famous Photo Ever ™. I have yet to do it, but man, this year is certainly going to be my year. I just know it.

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I Seem to Have Misplaced June

I’m not sure how it happened. I thought I had put June in my purse, next to my wallet and my car keys, but then when I went to look for it, it wasn’t there. I checked the counters, but you know, they are a bit messy at my house. I have plenty of bits of this and that on the counter, bags of doggie treats and little boy treats, but no June. As hard as I looked for it, it simply wasn’t there.

I looked in the trunk of my car, under the folding chairs, baseball equipment and kites, but there was no sign of June; none at all.

It’s as if June up and disappeared on me. I suppose I will just have to get resigned to the idea that June is missing and won’t be found, and focus my attention on July. I really don’t want to lose July the way I lost June so I’m going to keep closer watch on it. Starting tomorrow, when I take an extra day off to spend some quality time with it. Just me and July, maybe going for a road trip, buying ice cream, listening to some tunes. I think July and I are going to get along really well.

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I’m Sorry, But I’m Cranky

Lots of reasons why, but the least of which is that Target did not have my deodorant in stock when I went in there last week. That is NOT COOL. I will be swinging by CVS to see if they still carry it, and if they don’t, all hell is going to break loose. I CANNOT wear baby powder-scented deodorant. It does not and will not work for me.

Also, my right foot hurts. A lot. I don’t know what I did, it feels like a combination of a muscle problem and a bone spur or something, but it’s impacting my ability to walk like a normal person. Unless normal people have an inability to walk normally because one of their feet has raging heel pain. That could be, I really don’t know.

Lastly, I’m mad that last year at this time, we were just starting our Cape Cod vacation. Seven glorious ocean-view days. It’s breaking my heart to not be standing in that living room, looking out at the sea right now. And I haven’t even been to the beach since it officially became summer, just that one trip in the spring. I sat in one of those little chairs you use at the edge of the ocean, you know, to dip your toes in the water, but I had no reason to buy one, even if it was comfortable. Sad. Very sad.

So yes, I’m cranky today. It’s Monday, and it feels like it’s been Monday for a couple of days in a row.

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My Stupid Boring July

I have reached the alarmed point in the summer…July is almost over, all 500 days of it, and I have not yet done anything X-treme. As you all know, normally by now I have done enough X-treme activities that I am left happy and content for the rest of the year. But I have not jumped off any buildings, ridden any rocket sleds, or roller bladed down an interstate holding on to the back of a semi. None of those things. No being shot out of a cannon, flagpole sitting or being set on fire for a movie stunt. Nothing. I have done the drone-like “go to work” thing and then the “go watch your kid play baseball” thing, but at no point did I wrestle sharks or attach balloons to a lawn chair and to go for a celestial spin.
I feel like the entire month of July was just a waste, and now I’m going to be all mopey because that’s a month I’ll never ever get back. I completely blew it.
