Posted in video


Okay, maybe this will go faster once I get used to the software. Or if I hire someone to do it for me. That person will also figure out how to make the files smaller. Sorry.

Here is the first podcast, stored on my site because all the tools I use made it easy to do that. If you click on the “subscribe” button it will add the podcast to your iTunes list and any time I do a new one it will get picked up automatically. That’s what we all want, right?


Posted in video

What Other Pot Can We Stir?

Welcome Heathen-Seeker! I really do appreciate all the traffic being funnelled my way by the website that sent you here. I don’t have any real plans to pimp my children out for the sake of a charity car wash, just in case that wasn’t clear. I don’t believe in car washes. On the other hand, I would allow any cute child of mine to open a charity lemonade stand on a busy street.

I kid!

No, I’m not about pimping my children. I’m not interested in short term rentals. The real money is in selling your children outright.

I kid again!

Here are important things that I would like to share with the hoard of Catholics (or is that a “pew of Catholics?”) wandering through the front door:

  • Dubble Bubble white gumballs are pineapple flavored.
  • Disney’s Meteos game boy game is very very hard so why make a Disney flavor that implies it’s for kids? The Winnie the Pooh level is a killer!
  • Mr. Dump made American Chop Suey for dinner. He’s my hero.
  • I wouldn’t be sad if Barry Bonds retired before breaking the record.
  • I’m confused. El Presidente said we were fighting this war to make America safer. So then why have the Al Qaeda reformed and possibly moved terror cells back into the US, putting us in the same danger we were pre-9/11 if…and I hesitate to even suggest it…the war in Iraq has nothing to do with Al Qaeda because the Iraqis didn’t have anything to do with 9/11?
  • CNN – you stink. What the hell is up with the new redesign? There is less branding (and useful information) on there now than there is on my website! And if you don’t cut the crap with the video-only stuff I’m going to scream. Don’t you even care about the millions of people who want to check the news at work and have video streaming blocked? I’m done with you. I’m going to have to go somewhere else to get my news and that’s a sad, sad thing.
  • The Vicar of Dibley – how come nobody told me about this show? I adore Dawn French!
Posted in video

Tony vs. Paul

The greatest video I have ever seen…possibly even better than the OK Go video with the treadmills. Okay, maybe they are tied. Local (Fitchburg) boy Tony Fiandaca and his college buddy Paul Cummings make video magic…literally. I cannot stop watching this video.

And now, Junior wants to use the little Aiptek video camera Santa brought to make a cool movie. I don’t think he’d want to put 2 months of effort into it, though.
