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Utter Wonder: The Idle Thoughts Of C. Monks | Read It However You Will

I are famous! Well, as famous as I can expect to be. C. Monks, who contributes to McSweeney’s, has material he wrote included in their new book. People Magazine reviewed the book, and used one of his pieces in the review. I commented on the review in People Magazine, and C. commented on my comment. Now what I think I need to close the loop is for McSweeney’s to review my website, or something like that.

Utter Wonder: The Idle Thoughts Of C. Monks

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Yes, We Have a Christmas Special On the Television

Okay, there is a Christmas special on TV right now. We didn’t know it was a Christmas special; Junior actually said “Why is a Halloween movie on now?” That was a good guess as well, because we are watching…

Casper’s Haunted Christmas.

Oh ya, you know it! Of course, I’m trying to work on my Nano Novel and not get distracted by shiny things, and I hear one of the ghosts tell Casper he is banished to “Christmassachusetts” which, it turns out, is actually Kriss, Mass (they showed a wooden sign). Does that mean I need to make this my new favorite holiday movie? I think Randy Travis sang the theme song, by the way. So far there have been a couple of funny in-jokes too. But I cannot watch the whole thing right now. I’m going to have to wait for another showing to enjoy the subtle nuances. I’m guessing this will be on again and again on Cartoon Network.

(One of the characters is named “Holly Jollimore.” I actually knew a guy with that last name…I think he wrote for one of the local papers.) Oh, and by the way Kriss, MA is somewhere in Central MA based on a map they flashed on the screen. I’m going to pretend it’s Leominster. Because I can.

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Crappy Weather in DumpLand

This week is just a little too damp for my tastes. If I wanted to live in a misty swamp, I would move to Scotland, long ago home of my ancestors (shout out to N. Uist). [Note: Funny thing, when I did a search to find a N. Uist site to link to, the text at the top of this one says to contact a man named Donald McAuley. This is actually one of the family names that I trace back to Scotland. So shout out to cousin Donald as well!]

In fact, I just looked up the weather there and the weather here for the next 5 days. While not exactly a mirror image, I think they are close enough for hand grenades.
