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To Do? Done!

Okay, grocery shopping, oil change, new wiper blades, all done. Junior got in his swimming lesson and some bike riding.

All we need is a refill on the gas tank for the grill and we are good to go.

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Where did the day go? I can’t believe it’s already 4pm.

Before you ask, no, I won’t be running in this year’s Boston Marathon. Someone could pull me in a wagon if they wanted to, but running is right out.

Here’s the excuse I have prepared: “I don’t have good sneakers.”

Works, doesn’t it?

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Dino Thunder

Okay, the 2004 flavor of Power Rangers is out and about, and after 300 viewings of the first two episodes, I have a couple of thoughts.

1. Lamest red ranger yet. Interesting that they were able to find an Ashton Kutcher look-alike.

2. Kira, honey wash your hair, cut your bangs and remove the racoon eyes. If you’re going to be a Power Ranger, look the part.

3. Tommy’s back. Rrrrrow. He’s aged well. He’s got enough going for him that he could still be an active member of the Power Rangers. He’s my favorite part of the show.

4. I need to get a freaking life.

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Blue = Happy

I’m wearing a Hello Kitty mood ring today. Right now it’s aqua. I didn’t start off wearing it, but my brother-in-law bought one for each of the kids last weekend (because that’s exactly what the two boys would have picked out) and Junior decided he didn’t want to wear his to daycare today after we’d already arrived there. He also gave me a handful of Matchbox cars, which I forgot to take out of my pocket.

Anyway, I put Hello Kitty on my pinky, and I’m still wearing it. If I were twenty years younger, this would be trendy and acceptable. But for a woman pushing 40? I don’t know. In my head, I swear, I’m in my mid-20s. At worst, early 30s. I don’t accept the fact that I’ll be 40 next year. I don’t accept that I won’t be one of the “cool kids” anymore. I don’t accept that when someone says “young people today” they aren’t talking about me anymore. So I’m keeping Hello Kitty on for the time being. At least until my 3pm meeting.

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Ratzen Fratzen Missing Stuff

Boogers! Green boogers! I wrote a post with a book review in it, yammering on and on about how great the book I was reading is, but it got sucked into the void. Double crap. I knew I was having trouble with “BlogThis” but I assumed it had worked. But the post isn’t there. I should have checked at the time. Boogers.

So anyway, the book in question is by Dan Brown, author of The Da Vinci Code. It’s called Digital Fortress, and for my money, it’s everything I wanted The Da Vinci Code to be. I thought TDVC was good, but it was stretched out too much, and some of it was predictable. And then there’s the whole “what are the odds of them finding XYZ” aspect. Dumb luck, really. I hate dumb luck in books.

But Digital Fortress wasn’t like that. I never figured out the twists and turns; in fact, I thought I had something figured out, and I was totally off. I like when that happens, it makes a book worth reading. So I’m giving it two dumps up. (heh).
