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Is It Wednesday?

It is? Good. I’m ready for Wednesday. I’m more ready for Friday, but I don’t know how to manipulate time and space. Yet.

My cold is in a manageable place right now – I can function, and most of the time, I can breath. Junior, on the other hand, is having a bad time with the whole breathing thing. I always hate to give him medicine during the day because it makes him out of it. Well, it’s school vacation so he’s not going to have any kindergarten pop quizzes to worry about. Medicine it is!

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Snack Review

Over the weekend I made nachos, because that’s something I do when the kids are up. I use canned chili, Mexican cheese, etc. It’s a tasty treat. We never make it when they aren’t here – I guess it just makes it a special thing. Tonight I decided to nuke a few of the Tostitos with just the Mexican pizza cheese, but it wasn’t the same. I guess we’ll just have to buy another can of chili and wait for the kids to come back!

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Access Limitations

I’m stuck today with limited internet access. My faithful sidekick, Sidekick, isn’t communicating at all with the world of T-mobile. Makes me sad, it does. So if you’ve emailed me, I’ll get it eventually. Maybe even today!

In other news: who invented French dressing, and why? And what exactly makes it “French”? The color? I had some Russian dressing on my sandwich today, and it tasted suspiciously like modified French dressing. That’s not cool, for the record.

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Burger’s Up

I declare the first bbq of the 2004 season a complete success. Mr. Dump did a stupendous job on said burgers. I just wish I’d had the fixings for a macaroni salad on hand…nothing better in my book.

Junior is still working on the bike thing. He had two crashes – one of them involved his sister. I happened to catch it on videotape. If I can get it small enough I’ll post it.

Today we spent most of the day flying things. Air Hog copters, then our kites. Picks to come. The cow kite was hysterical!

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Burgers Up

I declare the first bbq of the 2004 season a complete success. Mr. Dump did a stupendous job on said burgers. I just wish I’d had the fixings for a macaroni salad on hand…nothing better in my book.

Junior is still working on the bike thing. He had two crashes – one of them involved his sister. I happened to catch it on videotape. If I can get it small enough I’ll post it.
