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Go Home, People!

Are we expecting a blizzard? The first sign of trouble was the total chaos in the parking lot. I grabbed a cart that was in the corner of the space I grabbed. Good thing, because when we got inside the store there were no carts to be found. And people standing there dumbly waiting for someone to magically hand one to them. I smirked at one woman, because I had watched her walk by the one that was in “my spot” and I had silently cursed her for not taking it and making it easier for me to park. I don’t get people who don’t grab a cart out of the middle of the lot on the way in. Do yourself and everyone a favor and pitch in.

I should have turned around when I saw the lines, but sometimes when the lines are horrendous, by the time you’re done shopping, things are back to normal. Well not so today. In fact, some women had apparently formed some little pre-line line. I didn’t know that’s what it was so I walked by it. I’ve shopped at that store for over 10 years now, this was something I had never seen before. Some older woman yelled at the guy behind me that there was a line. I can’t repeat what he muttered under his breath.

Oh well, we got out with our lives and a hundred dollars worth of food that probably won’t even make meals for the rest of the week. I have a bad habit of not wanting to make dinner, so I don’t buy stuff I need to make dinner. But I’m aware of it, so that’s half the solution to the problem, right?
