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Monday? Again?

Well THAT was fast. Yesterday, the day of rest? Not. Now that I’m working full time and doing the whole single mom thing, I just don’t get anything done during the week anymore. Yesterday was “hurry up, you’ve only got one day left until work again!” day. Combine that with preparing for Junior to start at his new daycare on Wednesday, and then preparing for him to start kindergarten on top of that and you can see that my Sunday was not my own.

Hit Target and did some serious damage. I was in “Queer Eye for the Straight Gal” mode, picking up some storage items. Wicker baskets, actually. Yes, I decided to stop decorating with old Amazon cardboard boxes. I also got a coat rack so I could stop storing stuff on the backs of chairs. So far, so good. Also, I had to mow the lawn, go grocery shopping, do some laundry and the dishes. Sounds like fun, doesn’t it? I’d been invited to attend a BBQ but if I’d done that I couldn’t have gotten HALF of that stuff done. I feel a little bad about not going, but I feel better about having accomplished so much yesterday. Now if the grass would just stop growing for a while…
