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Creepy Fog

Starting off foggy and overcast (which, come to think of it, might be the same thing, right?), hopefully sunny and in the 50’s fairly soon. Not soon enough. Yesterday was heavenly. I swear, nice spring weather (not that hot humid crap from the middle of the summer, but the good 65-75 range) makes you feel like you’re in a different world. I was in a great mood yesterday, for no real reason. Hell, I’m broke, we’re at war, and the Preperation H was needed. What reason did I have to be in a good mood? But I was in a GREAT mood. You could have fried eggs off my aura. Emerging from our winter cocoon yesterday, the slider was open, other windows were open, we wandered in and out of the house without having to find hats, mittens, boots, coats, etc. You need something outside? Just go. Junior put a couple of miles on his little scooter, mostly going up and down the sidewalk. He did wear boots because he was having trouble keeping his feet dry. Walking into huge puddles will do that do you.

The last of the snow melted off the deck yesterday. Now I have to sweep off all the pine needles from where we pulled the Christmas tree out of the house, and start thinking about when I’ll have the time and energy to clean it and seal it. I didn’t do it last year, so it really needs to be done this year.

Okay, enough chatter about nothing. I finished my Salada Green Tea, and now I’m going to prepare to go sign The Boy up for kindergarten. I’m just not looking forward to this, but hey, I’m not going to homeschool, so there you go.
