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Dude, Where’s My Book?

Did Amazon guarantee Harry Potter delivery by 10am, or just some time on the 16th? Cause it’s not here yet and it’s 11am and I’m just a bit ticked off about that. I mean, not enough to make a few phone calls, but I can say the book has been in Leominster since YESTERDAY and yet, it’s not here at the house. Not cool. Not cool at all.

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Sunny or No?

Wait, didn’t the weather report say sunny today? My step-daughter convinced us to take them all up to Canobie Lake Park today, but it looks kind of icky out.

I know I told you guys we should have a BDT Summer Outing up there, but Mr. Dump would freak if he knew I invited all of you to meet up with us at the park. If you (Christine, I know you wanted to go) just happened to be at the park this afternoon and we ran into each other, well, wouldn’t that me a great coincidence? If you were already planning to go there today anyway *cough* just drop a comment on this post and I’ll get it in email. Woo!

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Random Fridayness

Here are some thoughts for you, to help you transition into the weekend.

  • If you are going to eat a whole package of pumpkin seeds (aka “salty fiber bombs”) you just need to be prepared for the eventual, how shall we say it…”outcome”. Remember the old SNL commercial for colon blow? ‘Nuff said.
  • When you have a burial at sea for a beloved pet, and your seven year old says “I want to flush” seriously consider how he’s gonna feel after he’s done it and realized he’s the one who actually made it go down the drain. Junior was sad about Mike the Fish’s demise, but he sobbed a bit after he physically flushed him. Sure, he wanted to do it, asked if he could, but I don’t think it occurred to us how we’d feel as we watched Mike the Fish whoosh away.
  • I’m a big believer in being straightforward with Junior, so he’s aware of some things that I don’t feel like trying to explain away. Thus, he’s now got a good understanding of what’s going to happen to Phantom when he gets neutered. And he made the appropriate guy noises at the news. (Of course, a short while later he asked “When is Phantom getting his tonsils removed?” “Not his tonsils, honey, his testicles.” [insert moaning noise here]
  • Speaking of Phantom, he has mastered understanding his name, responding to the “come” and “sit” commands, and will actually sit patiently for 10 or more seconds. Thank you, clicker training! This weekend I’m going to try to train him to draw me a bubble bath.
  • Man, now I’m craving more pumpkin seeds. You see what you do to me?