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Oh, Well, If Cooter Says it…

Apparently the guy who used to play Cooter on the original Dukes of Hazzard is telling people to not go see the new movie. Now granted, Ben Jones used to be a Georgia congressman, for whatever that’s worth. But in the grand scheme of things, do I really need or want this guy, who know makes his living selling Dukes of Hazzard memorabilia, telling me what movies I should or shouldn’t see? Plus, this is the Dukes of Hazzard…what the hell? It’s about two guys who spent time in jail, have no jobs, are always on the run from the local police, who live with their hot cousin and their moonshiner uncle. When did THAT kind of disfunction define “family-friendly entertainment”? It’s not like the show is in the pantheon of all-time bestest most wonderfullest TV shows. Sure, I watched it, but I was lusting after the Duke boys in their tight, package-enhancing jeans. And the guys lusted after Daisy in her, wait for it, Daisy Dukes. That’s right, those slutty barely-there shorts are known around the world as Daisy Dukes. Wholesome?! What color is the sky in your family-friendly world?

Cooter, my friend, you’re a moron. You have a Dukes’ store. Why not cash in on the movie in addition to the television show?

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No Need to Play Clue for This One

I’d like to request a brief moment of silence for the passing of a little guy who lasted WAY longer than I thought he would have. Earlier tonight, when I went to feed him, I realized that Mike the Fish is no longer among the living.

So while we know he is happier in that great bubbling castle in the deep blue sea, we have to remember that he certainly did enjoy being part of the family. Goodbye Mike the Fish. We had 3.5 years to enjoy you.

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Joining the Fan Club Fan Club

On my morning commute today, I was briefly driving behind a guy who had a sticker on his car that proclaimed his official membership in the Donald Duck Fan Club.

Well isn’t that nice!

I’m not against fan clubs. I’ve been in one or two in my life. If there was a fan club for say, me, well, I would be all for that. I’d love to see you put stickers on your car to tell the world you are a member of my fan club. But remember, if you put it out there, it says something about you. For the Jody Fan Club, well, that would show how fantastically cool you are. Because, well, that’s a gimme. But to see a guy driving a car with a Donald Duck Fan Club sticker…I just don’t know if that’s giving the world the right message.

Other fan club stickers I would probably avoid putting on the car:

– Fan of the Garden Gnome Club
– Liberace Fan Club
– Saved By the Bell Fanatics
– Osama bin Ladin Homies
– Underoo Fun Fan
– Republican Party Member

Am I forgetting any?

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RSS Feed back

Aw crap, took me until today to figure out my RSS feed was being posted to the wrong subdirectory. I apologize to anyone who reads this via the feeds. Or has added the feed to their Yahoo page. It said I hadn’t updated in 3 days, but that’s not true. *sigh*

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Is It Time For Vacation Yet?

I know I shouldn’t be talking vacation when I have less than three weeks left on my contract and not a peep from anyone about extending it, etc. (yet?) but a million moons ago we put a deposit down on a house on Cape Cod for a week in August, and now I just want to BE THERE. Is this week too perfect for the Cape? 80s 80s 80s. My coworker, coincidentally, had also rented the SAME HOUSE and was there last week, and her description of it made me drool. Job or not, the house is paid for for the week, and that is where I will be.

Jergens update: I think I may have been getting a touch of a “healthy glow” but you know what? I just CANNOT put this stuff on my face. The smell, no matter how faint or pleasant, was giving me one of my patented, smell-induced sinus headaches. So no go on facial tan. (I can say that my face didn’t have a bad reaction to the stuff, if that helps. I’m going to give it a shot on my legs, though. I’m considering only putting it on one so I can see the difference. But do I want my legs two different colors?

Dog update: He successfully ripped open the neck of his rabbit-dog (as seen in the little video clip I provided), so his “Baby” has been, how shall we say, laid to rest. Maybe when he gets over his puppy need to chew everything in site I can get him a replacement Baby. But for now, it’s a huge waste of money.

p.s. Any of you dog people have a training program you found successful? He seems pretty easy to train, except for that whole Alpha dog “largest of the litter” thing where he tries to boss us around. He’s more successful with some of us than with others.
