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Movie Review: Flushed Away


Positively fantastic. Great script, great plot, parts of it laugh out loud funny. Humor more highbrow than what we’ve come to expect from a kid’s movie.

I absolutely loved it. Best movie I’ve seen in a year or two…I think I liked it better than Cars. I actually want to see it again already, but I will wait for the DVD. *sigh*

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Email conversation yesterday

Him: I’m headed to the store. Do you need anything?

Me: Yes! I need sparkly shoes, some dress pants and a tiara. And a dSLR camera and a Macintosh computer. Oh and a Tylenol because my neck hurts.

Him: One Tylenol, coming up.

He’s funny, that one. And speaking of dress pants, what happened to the word slacks? You just don’t hear it much anymore. Or at all, unless you spend a lot of time with folks who remember hearing the news live on the radio that Pearl Harbor had been bombed.

I’m not even sure if slacks are different than dress pants. I should look up the definition of slacks, I suppose, but I’m supposed to be working on my Nano novel right now, instead of having this conversation with you. I think what I’m going to have to do is work this entire post into the novel. That’s the only way to make everyone happy. Luckily, that won’t be too difficult because as of this moment, 2400 or so words in, my novel is about a compulsive shopper. So actually the entire conversation is appropriate. It’s just that my compulsive shopper (who I believe I will be naming Olivia (or Liv to her friends) would actually buy those items. I didn’t even end up with a Tylenol.

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1/50th of the Way There

I am 1/50th of the way toward completing the NaNoWriMo 2006 challenge. 50,000 words in 30 days. I’d stay and write more here, but these words don’t count.

It was really weird to have to wake up and go to work this morning. Shouldn’t Halloween always occur on a Friday or Saturday so we can sit home the next day and just eat the loot?
