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Coffee Shouldn’t Smell Like Suntan Lotion

Great googly moogly, that is one horrific smell. Half the building (the half closest to the cafeteria) smells like suntan lotion. That’s because today’s flavored coffee is…drumroll…coconut. Can I get a “yuck” from the back of the room?

I don’t care how hot it is outside, a cup of hot coffee is never going to make me think of tropical breezes. Even if it smells like something that grows in Hawaii.

Of all the coffee flavors they make here at work, this one is by far the stinkiest – you can smell it a mile away. And I thought nothing would beat blueberry (which at least smell like pie, and not something you buy at CVS). How wrong I was!

I can’t imagine what I’d do if I had to sit next to someone who had a cup of this stuff at their desk. I have headphones and an iPod for noise, but I neglected to purchase a gas mask or nose plugs.
