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Time for a Quick Hello

Let the house at about 8:15 this morning and didn’t get home until around 5 pm. Oy, somehow I misplaced the whole day! Spent some money though, which is always fun. Oh, and you’ll be shocked to hear that only $29 of it was at Target. I can’t believe I only spend $29. Well, it would have been more but it turns out that I havn’t been paying close enough attantion and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory isn’t out until Tuesday. All I noticed was the commercials showing every 15 seconds on Nickelodeon.

So now it’s almost 7 and I haven’t done today’s words on my Nano novel, never mind bank a few in case next week is a rough one. I promise I will be good and for the next hour I will do nothing but type. I’ll even put on my iPod instead of watching whatever is on tv. But if I have my 1666 words by 8pm, I have earned the right to sit with my family on the couch, right? We have this week’s Mythbusters in the warming tray of the TiVo…

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Sharing My Earworms

Okay, I have a song stuck in my head that most of you have probably never heard. But, through the power of the internet, I am going to tell you how you can download the song from the artist’s website to enjoy in your very own ears.

The song is called Skullcrusher Mountain, and it’s by a brilliant singer/songwriter named Jonathan Coulton. Got to his site at to download this and other fantastic songs for free…then toss him a few bucks if you like what you hear. His stuff is excellent for listening to on the drive home, let me tell you.

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I won’t complain….I won’t complain…

You have to trust me when I tell you that coming anywhere near seventy degrees in November in Massachusetts is a gift from Heaven. I love it. Adore it. But damned if it isn’t either giving me a cold or an allergy attack. The change in temperature from freezing cold to 70 in the span of a week just makes my sinuses go “Well, that was fun, we think we’ll just boost production of post-nasal drip. Have a nice day.”

Gah. So I’ll go for a walk at lunch today to enjoy the pretty leaves and stuff, and then I’ll come back inside and take more Sudafed.

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Well, I already broke 1000. That’s good. And you’ll be happy (?) to hear that the bottom of page three contains the following paragraph:

Okay, at this point, I’m already bored with everything I wrote. So I think I’m going to have to figure out what my plot should be. But it’s not going to be where I was going with this. Sheesh, what a pile of crap.”

Fantastic. So much for plot planning. Oh, and not 5 sentences in I forgot that I was going to write in 3rd person. You’d think that after 5 years this would get easier. *sigh*

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And Away We Go!

The 2005 Nanowrimo starting gun was fired at midnight. I guess that means I need to get my butt in gear, stop eating Junior’s Halloween candy, and write something. That also means things should heat up over in the NaNoDumpO blog. I’ve added it to the blogroll on the right, so you’ll always know when there is something new. There’s also an RSS feed (link is on the page) for those of you who like to maintain your feed lists. Right now I have 4 people contributing to that blog, so I’m hoping it will be busy!

Man alive, was it a great night for trick-or-treating or what? You just can’t get a nicer day than yesterday, unless it’s today. Too bad I’ve got that whole work thing to do. Time to put away all the Halloween decorations. I don’t want to jump right into Christmas, though. Not when it’s 67 degrees and the trees are FINALLY changing color. Sheesh.
