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Heads Up, Commenters

[update: changes complete. Thank you for your patience.]

Just a heads up that if you are reading this on Tuesday, you may not see any commenting links on the page. I have to temporarily disable them on all pages so that I can block them altogether on the January and February pages. After weeks, nay, months of not dealing with comment spam, they appear to be hitting my January archive page with a vengeance. No, I don’t need any tips for winning at roulette. Here’s how to win at roulette: don’t play. Every dollar you don’t bet becomes a win for you. See how helpful I can be? Someone should nominate me for a Nobel Prize or something.

Hopefully I can do this quickly, and get comments back up for at least the May page(s). I don’t have FTP access from work, so I may not get to fix April and March until tonight. If I remember.


You see what I do for you people?

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Back to Reality

Mother’s Day is over. Another 364 days of not being able to say things like “You do it, I’m just going to relax here on the couch and enjoy my special day.” Cause really, is there a better day to guilt the family into doing grunt work? “I’m sorry, I don’t cook or clean on mother’s day. You’ll have to figure something out.”

We had a low key day, if low key includes having two different meals with 9 people at each – one at the Westminster Country Club (breakfast) and the other at Carrabbas in Tyngsboro (amazing Italian food – I was shocked to learn it is a chain.)

Now it’s Monday. I dislike Mondays. Unless they are holidays, then they are good. Three weeks till the next one of those.

p.s. Have I previously mentioned that my kid is a fussy eater? As in, has waffles for breakfast 6 days a week (pancakes on the 7th) and would eat pasta with red sauce for every other meal if we didn’t for chicken (nuggets) and rice or fries on him once in a while? Salad (his first green veggies since baby food!) was recently added. Anyway, fussypants was sitting next to me while we were all sampling the calamari at Carrabbas, and my nephew tried the spicy sauce. Junior said he’d try one…with the spicy sauce. After they revived me, I tried to act low key, especially when he ate a 2nd one with the red sauce. It was an Invasion of the Body Snatchers moment.

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What Makes Mother’s Day Special

It’s 6:30am. Your son makes gagging noises in the bathroom.

You: What’s wrong?
Him: I just saw something disgusting
You: Where?
Him: In my underpants


Aw, baby’s first skid marks! (Well, the first ones he’s noticed, anyway.) Maybe other moms get breakfast in bed, but why go that old cliched route?

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Sunning Ourselves

Went to look at some sunrooms today. I saw one I really liked, but it’s oh, 5k more than I wanted to spend. Not even “wanted” to, more like “can”. So now I’m kind of bummed and I’m trying to figure out how I can make this all work.

We have a company coming out on Thursday to show us theirs and do all the measuring stuff. I believe they are less expensive, but I can’t remember if there were some significant issues I had with the actual product. It’s hard to look at all this stuff at a homeshow, when there are a bunch of people selling the same product.

So, feel free to paypal me thousands of dollars. That would be dandy. I’ll invite you over for hummus and smoothies in the new room.

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I Haven’t Forgotten You

Oh contraire. But I’m going to take a break from the professional bowling tour (I’m a groupie, you know. Go Pink Ladies!)

This weekend just looks so delightful. Raining and windy and….40? Gah. Time to stock up on comfort foods, methinks. I guess this will be the third week we don’t have baseball practice. It’s going to really start hurting them if they’re playing teams that actually get a chance to practice. We have a couple of kids who really need that time to work on the right way to swing the bat, etc. You can’t practice that when you’re at the plate in the middle of a game.

On the way out of the house I noticed something in one of the trees and went over to look. Ick…the entire thing is covered with gypsy moth caterpillars. It sort of freaked me out. This tree will probably be stripped bare by the time I get home tonight, and I didn’t have time to “do” anything with them. Not that I knew what to do, but I was thinking of just picking them all off and putting them in something and then blowing that something to kingdom come. Only slightly kidding.

My fear is them going after one of our “good” trees. This one is kind of the scrub that grows up in the uncleared area, so while I’m not happy, it’s not a big loss. But I have trees I want them to stay AWAY from, and I have to figure out how to make that happen (if it’s even possible.)

gypsy moth caterpillers having breakfast
