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Spring Break


No? Okay.


Junior has all next week off, and I have nothing planned for him. I’m only going to be home a couple of the days, and I’ll have to work if I feel like getting paid, but still, it would be nice to have something in the queue. I think maybe we’ll go bowling. Cause nothing says spring break like bowling!

I forgot to give him allergy medicine this morning. I have a feeling I am very much going to regret that mistake. I hope they don’t call me later today to tell me that his face is leaking uncontrollably.

So, dear readers, lets hear your suggestions for next week. Remember, I hate huge crowds, so think twice before suggesting the Children’s Museum in Boston. Or anything in Boston. It’s all, like, crowded and stuff.

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Notebook Review

Two notebook reviews:

  • my WilsonJones View-tab(tm) notebook (3 subject 55091) – awesome. It’s way cool, because you can put pictures and stuff in the front slot to customize the cover. The covers are hard plastic so you can use it on your lap. And the paper is really thin so after you write on a page it makes that awesome crinkly sound I adore. Thumbs up. Three thumbs up.
  • My HP dv4030us – Love it. Love it more now that I went to the Netgear website and downloaded the firmware upgrade for my router so that it will actually talk to the built-in wireless card. Heads up to people who buy computers with Centrino processors who are having trouble with an existing Netgear wireless network – this firmware upgrade specifically fixes problems between the two. (Remember kids, the dv4030 is the retail store flavor/configuration of the HP dv4000 line. If you got here from Google because I’m one of only two hits for hp dv4030, go back and search for “hp dv4000” and you’ll have more luck.)

Oh, and my goal of trying to not load any Microsoft software on this system unless I actually need it and like it is going well. OpenOffice seems to be doing the trick (although I’m still getting used to it) and I’m getting more comfortable with Firefox. (So no IE or Office for me so far. And yes, I know I need to get the new security patch for OpenOffice.)

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Why I’m a Better Mother Than Most

Okay, if nobody else will say it, I will. I’m a great mom. And you know why that is? I’ll tell you. It’s because I’m not raising the next generation American Idol contestant. Let me explain.

When we watch the first few episodes of American Idol, we all think the same thing: on what planet do these people live that they think they have any talent at all?

I’ll tell you what planet – planet Mom Thinks You Are Perfect.

Well my kid and I do not live on that planet. On the way to Little League tryouts last night, he was telling me what a great baseball player he is. And I pointed out to him that he actually isn’t a great baseball player. He can hit the ball [more on that later] but his throwing and catching are horrible. And sometimes he runs like a spaz (I didn’t use that term, by the way. Is that term no longer allowed in polite company? Spaz. What a great word.).

So he dialed back and said that he’s pretty good, he’s good at hitting, and I agreed with him. Now see, that’s a kid who knows he’s not perfect and therefore has some work to do to get better. If I told him he was great, he’d ask why he had to go to practice because “what’s the point?” Sort of like these American Idol people. You know the ones I mean.

As for the tryout, he did about what I expected. The funny thing happened after they were done and I went to put my name down with the coordinator so that they can run a check on me to allow me out on the field. When I gave my last name and he found it on the sheet, he said “Did you teach him to hit like that?” So apparently he made an impression with his batting. Maybe they’ll forgive the lousy fielding skills. Or he can grow up to be a DH. I dub thee….Little Papi!
