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Balls as Big as Church Bells

So I’m typing along, minding my own…hey, what’s this? Why is this font so huge? What on earth is happening here?


Apparently I stumbled into a upgrade over at Blogger. I have a style sheet so I assume everything I’m typing will appear the way it’s supposed to over on the site after I publish.  Anyway…


I was looking at something on a website just now, and that site made the unfortunate decision to allow the Tickle dating people to advertise. I say unfortunate because Tickle is the x10 Camera of summer 2004. They provide you with popups, and not just one, but three! And they want to set a cookie on my system, which I’ll do when I’m dead and buried, thank you very much, so I click the “no, don’t allow cookies now or ever for these people” button. Thanks so much, tickle, for making me take extra steps before I can close your stupid pop-up windows.  So now I try to close the pop-ups, and two of them say, and I can hardly believe this, that I have to enable enable cookies to see their content. What? You want me to take steps with my browser to allow you to spy on me just so I can read your stupid advertising that doesn’t apply to me anyway? Are you crazy? Thus my subject line today.


What kind of advertiser would rather say screw you to a user than show a cookie-free ad? If I was in the dating market, these idiots would be my last choice. DO YOU HEAR ME, TICKLE?

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I Shoulda Learned VBA

Once upon a time I was trying to teach myself VBA, because I was responsible for some Word templates that relied heavily on it. I had a reference book and muddled through to the point that while I could look at code and get an idea of what it was going to do (and could thus cut and paste things to reuse them) I couldn’t write scripts from scratch.

Now I’m using Excel today and I *know* I should be able to write a macro that checks all the values in column B, and depending on what it finds there, puts in a date in column C (right next to the value.) So if b17 = 12345, c17 should be 10/10/04. Or something like that. Because I have a 900 line spreadsheet and I need to populate the c column based on what’s in B, and there are only 15 options for what’s in B. So I know WHAT I want the macro to do, I just don’t know how to get it to do it.

I’m going to go look for my VBA book at home tonight, but I don’t know if it was Word-specific or not. It probably doesn’t matter.

So enough about my day, how is yours?

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So, Hey, You New Around Here?

I was just looking in the logs, because I like to do that, and the most recent visitor came from the Minneapolis Star Tribune domain. Which is very cool. Freaky, of course, because while that person was reading my site, I was actually on the Star Tribune’s site. No, seriously. Why would I lie about that? I was checking James Lileks’s Backfence to see if it was updated since the last time I was there. After reading the bleat. And wouldn’t it be freaky-cool if while I was reading what he wrote, he was reading what I wrote?

His Bleat today talks about the Electric Company, and the fact that Morgan Freeman was in the cast. Now what amuses me about this is that just last week I was trying to explain my concept for a funny Staples commercial to Mr. Dump, and it involved Morgan Freeman as Easy Reader in the Electric Company, and Mr. Dump thought not enough people would “get it”. Well obviously T.E.C was more universal than he thought, which means my idea was just that much better than Mr. Dump was willing to give me credit. I’ll have to make sure I point this out to him.

And hello Mr. Lileks, if that’s you. Did Mitch tell you I’m a friend of his?

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Lunch Thoughts

I got the chicken, broccoli and pasta alfredo for lunch in the cafeteria today. “Now without all that pesky chicken!”

Not a single piece. None. I’d go and complain, but do I really want a cup of chicken? No. I guess I’ll just consider it a vegetarian entree today.

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I just created my blogger profile, for whatever reason (oh, okay, go here to view it. I did it because Natalie did hers.) and the form says that since joining up with blogger back in 2001, I’ve written 209,128 words for your people. Do you hear me? Over 200k words! And do I get a thank you card once in a while? No.

And this doesn’t even count up all the words that have bled from my fingers in the years prior to me signing up with blogger. The years when I coded every page by hand in HTML. You know, down and dirty.

Wow, 209,128 words. Plus these. I’m on a roll!
