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Flying North For the Summer

Yesterday and again today I saw a lovely V-formation of geese flying north. Well, the formation was lovely, the geese, not so much. They must have been really ticked off to fly into a snow storm. Oh well, such is March in New England.

I can’t stand Canada geese. They are so unbelievably messy. And dumb. And mean. They look great when they’re flying, but have you ever seen the sheer quantity of goose poop these things produce? I’ve seen a pond “killed” because of all the goose poop. It made me angry.

I also worked in Waltham where they would wander into the middle of a three lane road, and because they are slow and walk one behind the other, either you stop and wait or you get nasty dead goose all over the grill.

A flock of them hung out near our building, and one day they trapped us in because the “leader” was dumber than a box of rocks and lead them into a corner and none of them would turn around and walk OUT of the corner. The glass acted like a mirror and they were fighting with their reflections. When we tried to open the door to leave, they’d all start hissing at us. What a way to end your day, trapped by angry, stupid geese.

One brave warrior finally found a broom (you’d be surprised how much stuff you don’t have just lying around in an office building) and went out swinging. Phew. Saved from the evil hissing geese!

So that’s my rant against geese for today.

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Unknown Anne Frank Connection

While searching the web to find my dentist’s phone number (you know, just in case *shudder*) I got a page that shows two of Anne Frank’s maternal uncles lived in Leominster. I have no idea how long they lived here, if the way the page is written indicates they died here or what, but why was this never mentioned in school, when we were reading the book? I mean, I’d remember something like that!

I don’t have time to look up any more information now, but if you do visit this page, could you give me your opinion of what it means that Leominster is in parenthesis after their names? Because that line talks about where they lived during the war, I was thinking it meant they lived here when they first came to the U.S.

I wonder if the Leominster Historical Society web page has anything on this?

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Brought My Lunch Today

I packed myself a lunch today. I don’t usually do that – I take advantage of the fairly decent, sometimes downright delicious, hot meals here at work. My lunch is usually less than $5.00, and it allows me to eat cereal for dinner and know that I had at least one good meal complete with veggies that day.

But I went grocery shopping yesterday and got some absolutely gorgeous strawberries, and this morning that was my inspiration to pack a lunch. That and having lunch meat and some potato rolls on which to place the lunch meat. There’s nothing better than ham and cheese with Guldon’s spicy brown mustard on a potato roll. So don’t even try to discuss it with me.

Of course, now I’m nervous that they’re going to be serving one of my favorite lunches today. If they are, what should I do? I should just eat what I packed, but you know I’ll put the sandwich in the fridge and save it for tomorrow if they’re serving either the chicken and sweet onion quesadillas, or that Tuscan pasta dish they started making a couple of weeks ago. Mmmmm.

Also, can someone please tell me why my tooth hurts? It’s making me nervous.

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We’re Outside, Are You?

It’s 45 and sunny and we are having fun today! It wasn’t windy enough to fly kites today, which was a bummer, but we filled the kite-flying time with…Junior riding his bike without the training wheels! I got a lot of it on tape, so I may put a few frames up here on the site for you to enjoy…I just can’t do it now because I promised I’d head back outside.

It’s supposed to snow tomorrow, which really makes you appreciate the current temps.
