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Ruining my Streak

Aw man, I didn’t get a single virus message for almost 24 hours and someone just blew it for me.

People, one last time…DON’T OPEN ATTACHMENTS!

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Small, er, Medium Rant

So I’m reading yet another National Guard article. I am interested in this because it just screams cover-up. I would just like the White House to be HONEST with me, a piddley little tax-paying registered voter, thank you very much. If there is nothing to hide, then show it all. Everything people are asking for. Who is Bush, John Lennon or Harry Nilsson, having a lost weekend, er, five months?

This quote from a story from USA Today burns my butt:

“On Wednesday, McClellan said those seeking additional details on Bush’s records are “trolling for trash for political gain,” and engaging in “gutter politics.””

Dude, we are not. I have no political gain to make from this. For God’s sake, if he screwed up and didn’t do something he was supposed to, he should admit it. Dismissing the questions the people of the United States have about this is bullcrap. Does anyone but me remember the effort to impeach Clinton for lying? I mean, seriously, what is the difference?

I can appreciate that people love Bush, and think he deserves to be in office. But I wouldn’t let my six year old get away with making claims that he couldn’t back up. If I suspected he wasn’t going to school, you don’t think I’d want to see attendance records? I should just trust him because he tells me I’m conducting a witch hunt? B.S. I want to see the records, and I don’t want them edited for my viewing pleasure. Bushie made it pretty damned easy for the government to look at ANY SINGLE ASPECT OF ANY PART OF MY LIFE with the Patriot act…so why all the hush hush secrecy? You don’t think that makes you look guilty?

You: What have you got in your hand?

Kid: Nothing. [puts hands behind back]

You: Show me.

Kid: [Puts out one hand, but leaves the other behind back.]

You: I want to see both hands.

Kid: [Puts that hand behind back and then shows the other.]

You: Oh, okay, I guess you didn’t have anything in your hand.

Kid: [under breath] Putz.

Ya, I’m really getting pissed about this.

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I have been tickled pink (PINK I TELL YOU!) with Junior the past two days. Every day I see little changes, and see him becoming more his own man. Weird how I thought that would upset me (“My baby is growing up! *sniff*”) but it isn’t. I think it’s cool.

His favorite color is black. I don’t know when that happened, or why, or if it will stick, but there you go. Black. If my aunt is reading this *waving* she’ll be smiling because her youngest son also loved black. I remember (and I thought this was the coolest thing EVER) when she bought him a whole box of black crayons from Crayola, because he would wear his out and she was tired of buying new boxes of crayons just to get black. How cool a mom is THAT? This was back, oh, maybe early 70s? Not like you can just hop on the internet and do a search.

So anyway, he declared black his favorite and I just have to go with that. Even if I don’t want him wearing a black winter coat, you know what? It makes him happy. My friend’s daughter’s favorite color is orange, and there’s just something freaking about a little blond girl wanting everything to be orange (instead of pink or purple) but that’s pretty cool too, you know?

So what was I saying? Oh, Junior got it into his head that he’d be Dexter and have a secret lab in the house, so he needed a notebook because in one episode of Dexter’s Lab Deedee pressed a button in a book to open the secret portal. I found a blank notebook from my stash of the ones that were popular about 7 or so years ago, and it was black plaid. I must have known.

For two days now, when I’ve gone to drop him off at the daycare, he’s grabbed a chair, sat down with his pencil, and started filling up the notebook with drawings, scribbles etc. There are some buttons to push, and pictures of Mike from Monster’s Inc, which he recently realized he could draw.

It’s too cool to see your kid totally engrossed by writing in a notebook you bought because you get totally engrossed by writing in a notebook. I don’t know if I see author in his future; my nephew, at five and a half, came up with a GREAT plotline the other day, so I can pin my hopes on him, too. My niece is going to be an artist of some sort. She’s amazing at three and a half, and I’m not just saying that because she’s my wonderful amazing niece – she runs circles around most 6 year olds. Then again, she’s smarter than my son and nephew put together, so who the hell knows what she’ll end up being. Or any of them.

I can’t wait to find out.

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Rotating the Stock

My blogroll was getting a bit unwieldy, so I’ve split it off into sites I read a couple of times a day, on the off chance the owner has thrown a nugget in my direction, and those that I try to read if I notice that they’ve been updated. The “Where I’ve been recently” list is blogs that I may add to one of the other lists if I find myself unable to ignore the little “updated” sign when it glows.

If you got moved or removed, don’t take it personally…I just can’t visit all these sites every day or it will cut into my precious eating and sleeping time. And I love you all, but I have my limits.
