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I’m Not Ignoring You

I seem to have falling into the “oh no, there are 40 deadlines!” period of the year, and not much of my time is left over to write pithy Dump entries. You deserve better. But I’m all you’re going to get.

Someone remind me to post Junior’s Christmas story here after I get home. He wrote it just for me, but it’s shockingly well-written for an almost 6 year old, and I want to show off.

Also, I have a photo taken by someone I know that I *have* to share with you. It will be the next thing that floats around the web. That too will be put up tonight.

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Ice, Ice Baby

Hey, I’m finally able to see the little birdies on my birdie feeder this morning! Of course, my ability to see that is based on the fact that I’m completely iced-in right now. Boy, this is fun. Not.

I’m on cup of coffee number two, have been working (on job stuff) since about 7:30 this morning, and the boy is entertaining himself pretty well. Ya, that’s right, no school today. Boy, THAT is a surprise. You mean they don’t want to send the kids out in big top-heavy busses with no seat belts on the sheets of ice trying to pass as roads? Huh. Well, that’s a good thing!

When the wind blows through the trees they smash and it kind of sounds like hail. I don’t see anything broken out there, which is good.

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Back From the North Pole

No, really. My sister’s gift to us was a trip up to North Conway NH to take the Polar Express train ride to the North Pole to see Santa! It was an unbelievable trip, and I think we are very very lucky they included us. Junior had the BEST time, and cried his head off when we had to part at the end of the weekend.

Me, I’m ticked at the snow. Yea, more snow. Yea. Once again, we were supposed to go buy our Christmas tree and a storm screwed up the plans. At this rate, we’ll be setting it up and taking it down on the same day. I’m not happy. But what are you going to do? I mean, I can’t make it stop snowing.

I’m not happy that we’re going to get another 14 or so inches of snow. 3-4 would be okay, really. But 14? No. Just no.

Geez, I knew we shoulda bought a fake tree.
