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Harvest Partying

Junior’s daycare is having a “harvest party” on Oct 30. Not the 31st, because that might be perceived as a Halloween party. I’m confused – Halloween isn’t really associated with any specific religion, so what’s the deal with celebrating it? What if there are anti-farming families out there who are offended by the thought of a harvest party? His kindergarten, which is accredited by NYAAC or something like that, can’t do anything for Halloween either, as part of that accreditation. So when they go pumpkin picking on Wednesday, it’s not in any way related to Halloween, let’s just get that straight.

Silliness. I can see not celebrating Christmas or Easter or Passover or what-have-you…but Halloween? The official holiday of the National Candy Association? Why is Valentine’s day okay…it’s actually SAINT Valentine’s day, right? Or SAINT Patrick’s day. But actually, maybe they aren’t allowed to celebrate those either. I guess I’ll find out next February and March.

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My son just used the word “Groovy” in a sentence. I’m scared.

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Mr. Rogers Rocks

Junior never ever got into Mr. Rogers. He’s watching it today, which is VERY COOL because it features the cast of STOMP!!! Can I just tell you how much I love Stomp?

I just learned something very very very very important. I recognized one of the guys in Stomp from another kids’ tv show…picture the song used to end the Disney Channel show “Out of the Box” – know how Tony does all the rhythm with his hands? He’s from Stomp! I knew I liked him! (Viv I can live without. I’m pretty sure he’s just waiting to beat her with a big heavy stick.)

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Come Back Later

No, not you. Well, sure you. Remember, each and every time you visit, an angel gets its wings. Or at least my counter goes up and for some reason, that’s the only thing keeping me going right now. The steady “thump thump thump” of the web counter showing visit after visit.

I was actually talking to my work email. Like my alarm clock, I make heavy use of the “snooze” function. I set reminders for things I need to do, like a good little ADD person. *Bing* it’s time to finish the XYZ report. *BING!* Update the ABC document to refer to LMNOP. Except they provide you with a snooze function, and you can tell it “Remind me again in 5 minutes.” Or ten, fifteen, thirty..8 hours…two days…

I just snoozed something for 4 hours. “Come back and bother me later today, I don’t have time for you right now.” I have some that pop up every 15 minutes and I say “not now” and I know I’ll have to do it again in another 15. It’s just not the highest priority this Monday morning, but it will keep bugging me, much like my son does when I’m on the phone.

Speaking of Junior – three, count ’em, three – pairs of pants went into the charity pile this weekend. STOP GROWING!

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Nothing to Say and Nobody to Say it to

It’s slow around here on weekends. I think I get a lot of traffic from people slacking off at work. You know it’s bad when the highlight of your day is a wrong number.

Made it up to Target today (I know what you’re thinking – how can I live with the excitement?) and picked up some light bulbs. I hope the Journal of the Mundane is catching all this. So we spent all afternoon at the Mall, bought very little, and then when I got home I rushed to mow the lawn before it got dark. I realized how early it gets dark when I finished, came in, de-grassed myself and am sitting here for the first time today…and it’s only 6:20. It was freezing out too. I had a hat on and a sweatshirt – I knew I’d warm up quickly once I got going – but my face was FREEZING. My cheeks are still cold! I just checked, it’s 44 degrees. Oh, that would explain it!

Speaking of having fun in the freezing cold, last night we decided to go to the Drive-in to see Good Boy. What a cute movie! It was a perfect pick, and I’m glad we went last night because the man running the ticket booth explained that it was going to be the last night the place was open this season. I think they made that decision when only 22 cars went to the movie on Friday, and I’m guessing only a few more than that last night. He said they can’t compete with all the local sports, football especially. I guess I can see his point. It wasn’t my place to mention to him that in years past, they’d cater to an older crowd once it got this cold out. R rated movies, actually they did some adult films back then.

But we had a blast, ate like piggies, enjoyed the movie, and only needed to start the car about every 30 minutes to de-fog the windows. What more could you ask for?
