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Importance? Eh.

I lost a point in my Google Page Ranking. I guess the 6/10 was too good to last. I’m not sure what I did to get knocked down a point, but now I know how that chef felt when he lost a star rating on his restaurant and committed suicide. I think I’ve maintained the same level of “whatever” for several months. So why drop me back to 5/10? Huh? Huh?

Don’t worry, I’m not going to commit suicide. Maybe if I was making a living running this site I’d at least consider it, but I cannot let the perceived quality of my hobby destroy my life. At least not until the weekend.

Which reminds me. I’ve got a small vacation coming up in May. I don’t think I’m going to have any way to update the site. I’d be willing to let someone be the guest host for that time period, if they promise they’ll stop by and not post foul language and pictures of naked people. (Aha! That ought to perk up Google’s ears!)

Posted in Uncategorized

utter wonder

Did you ever read something on the web and think to yourself “I wish I was on the Nobel Prize committee because if I was I’d give this guy a medal and some cash for sure”? I did that today. C Monks wrote an entry that I’d love to steal and say I wrote. But that would be bad, and then he’d get angry and start writing about me instead of hyperdoughnuts, Tariq Aziz’s birthday check and how Scott Peterson is such a dunderhead (my word) that he wouldn’t even stand a chance against a dead Angela Lansbury. So go read, and tell him I sent you. Just make sure you spell my name right.
