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Wow, only two days later!

This season of the Sopranos has interested me. But for whatever reason, I haven’t been watching them promptly. Last week I had to watch three episodes in a row to get caught up. That plays with your head in a big way. After the last episode (you know, the “good” one) I had to run and errand and I wanted to blow out some tires and swear a lot. A LOT.

I was a good girl this week and just watched the episode from two days ago. I think that’s a record for me. It wasn’t as good as last week, but there’s a part of it that will stay with me forever. I’ll talk about it in the comments section to spoiler it, so if you don’t want to know, don’t click the comments button!

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Away in a Ranger

Okay, it was actually my dad’s GMC Jimmy, but Ford Ranger parses better. Took most of the day off AWAY from the computer. I really need to give my body a break from staying hunched over the keyboard 18 hours a day. Okay, well, that’s an exaggeration, but I was gone for the meat of the day.

Hit the Christmas Tree Shop up in Nashua, the LL Bean Outlet and Target. Three stores where I have to leave my credit cards home. Oh wait, I don’t have any credit cards anymore. Damn, this would have been a great day to load up.

I did get a bunch of stuff at the Christmas Tree Shop in the “present packaging” area. A gorgeous gift box that I refuse to give away now that I have it, some wrapping paper and gift bags. I love gift bags. I forgot to buy tissue paper while I was there but that’s not a big deal. It’s usually pretty cheap at Brooks. Now I just need to get some things to put IN the gift bags. I know it ticks some people off that I’m starting ‘early’ but when you’re stretching dollars, it’s easier to stretch them if you start early.

But now I’m home and trying to catch up on my mail, etc. I still have 1200 words to write to make today’s quota. Catch ya later.

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Where I Am

2nd night with a fire in the fireplace. The driveway is shoveled, I’ve eaten dinner, and I hit the 25,000 mark in the novel. I have no plot, but I have 25,000 words! Woo hoo!

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That was some damned heavy snow…

I just got in from shoveling the rest of my drive. I had hoped all the snow would melt today because it was supposed to be rainy and in the low forties, but when it’s 3pm and everything is the same, you start to get worried that it’s going to freeze up into major ruts that you need dynomite to remove. Plus I heard a rumor we’re going to get a few more inches tonight. So I bundled myself back up and went out to get rid of what was there. Back-breaking work, my friends. It was all slush. For those of you who are smart and live in a non-snow area, this means each shovel full weighed about 40 pounds. I used a push shovel, which is supposed to help but really, I don’t know that it did. I think it just uses different muscles, in the middle of your back (right at the bra strap line for those of you in the know). That doesn’t mean it feels any better. There wasn’t enough to use the snow blower, or so I thought. Next time, I may use it anyway.

Off to write. I’m boiling up some hot water for a winter beverage. I’m not sure what I’m going to go for yet. I’ll have to browse the cabinets.

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The 2002 Holiday Season

I won two prizes in the Hallmark Keepsake Sweepstakes, according to the little pull-tab entry things I’ve been receiving in my People Magazine. So I went down to pick them up…I got a little box of chocolates, and a copy of the 2-tape set of Gulliver’s Travels (the Ted Danson Version). Well, I’m not looking a gift tape in the mouth.

Oh MAN the store has such awesome Christmas stuff in it! I could have spent all day and hundreds of dollars in there, I swear. And the smell…there’s nothing like the smell of Christmas, even if it’s just Christmas candles and potpourri. Mmmmm. I’m really in a kind of a holidy mood now. Helping on that score is the fact that it’s flurrying outside, and that there’s a Tony Bennett Christmas special on TV tonight. That’s right, a Christmas Special. We’ll ignore the fact that the Peanuts Thanksgiving special isn’t until next week.

Hot Cocoa, anyone?
