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Current Webcam Photo

In case anyone is wondering, the contributors to the Top Five list were comparing coffee making methods this morning, and that’s a photo of my new setup. I just put the grounds in the filter in the top, and pour hot water in the top. It drips out a hole at the bottom. Basically it’s the basket from a one-cup coffee maker if you removed it from the water-heating-up part.

And that’s my Mickey cup. It’s from 4 years ago. *sigh*

Note: If you are reading this in the future (hello!) the picture is probably not of my coffee cup. It might be of me. Do not pour hot water in my top. Thank you.

Posted in Uncategorized

It’s All In the Details

On day 3 of the jobhunt, I found an interesting listing on Thing is, I was hoping to keep my commute 45 minutes or less, so I actually ran a search on mapquest to see how many miles away this one job is. What I thought very interesting is that the driving instructions actually being in my driveway. That’s a level of detail I didn’t expect to see. Yes, it tells me to

Start out going Northeast on [my street] towards [other street] by turning right.

Whew! What if I had gone the wrong way exiting my drive? I might have been lost forever!
