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Ah, this is the kind of fun news I like to read on a Sunday evening. Yahoo! News – Cheney: Attacks Almost a ‘Certainty’. I would prefer there to not be any attacks, thank you. I don’t have my bomb shelter built.

You know, it did occur to me when I was working in Boston two weeks ago that being in the financial district of a big city made me feel more target-like. I actually looked at the little exit chart to see where stairs were. I don’t normally do that, but I also don’t normally work in a high rise on State Street. I feel quite a bit safer now that I’m in Worcester.

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According to my best sense of time and space, it’s May 18th today. Anyone wanna guess what it’s doing outside right now? I’ll give you a hint:

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Rain, and 48 degrees. Actually, freezing rain and hail. Great fun. I’m sooooo excited. I was going to go pick out some geraniums (maybe two plants) and some pansies but I don’t want to have to have them in the house. I guess I’ll go out next week some time.

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Looks like James Lileks did a redesign. Man, I love this guy. I have a couple of his books on my wish list at Amazon. I already own two, but that just isn’t enough.

Go here, but I warn you, if you aren’t supposed to be surfing the net, do NOT read the Intitute of Official Cheer at work. I pulled something trying not to laugh out loud, and finally sent the URL to all my coworkers so I wouldn’t be the only one laughing.

Oh, and while I’m thinking about it, have you been to the daily probe lately? If not, check out this list of new Star Wars characters…

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Another blogger problem and yesterday’s entry got fried. Oh well. I’m sure it wasn’t Nobel Prize-worthy.

I’m pretty sure I crabbed about how hot it is where I’m sitting in the building, but even as I type this I think the temperature is dropping from maybe 80 or so to something slightly more reasonable. I was feeling ill from the heat, and it was making me sleepy, but I feel better now. Oh, and I also got a good, full night’s sleep, and that helped. I haven’t been sleeping well at ALL lately, and I know that your body will only take that kind of abuse for so long.

Okay, so I’m done my lunch, and I have my huge cup of rootbeer…back to the grind!
