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My driveway is way bigger than I need it to be. I say this because I shovelled the whole thing this morning and now I’m DYIN’ here. Ouch. No fun. I kept Jr. home today so I wouldn’t have to rush this morning (he needs to get to daycare lady’s house by 8:15am, because she leaves to take her son to school and she doesn’t always come back home right away. Today I’m sure they went sledding.

Anyway, I dragged Jr. out with me to shovel, and being four he immediately started throwing snow into the parts of the driveway that I’d already cleaned. I sent him in the back yard to play, and finished most of it up (it’s a warm day, so once you cleared off a spot, it would melt to bare pavement). He came back and asked to go in the house but I had to finish the end of the drive. Next thing I know, I look at the front lawn and he’s lying face down in the snow. On purpose. Except I don’t think he knew what to expect and he came over to me to make his face feel better, and started begging me to go back inside. So for the record, HE dragged ME in, not the other way around.

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Two giant thumbs up for ARCTU. Great stuff. Considering the show is about my kind of people (tech writers) maybe it was funnier to me than someone who has never been in a position where they could destroy a city of mer-people.

I can’t wait until next week…I like to get past the pilot show where everyone is introduced to see how the plots are developed. But you really should watch this one. For me. For Andy. He’s so cute.

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I Tivo’d Andy Richter last night because I wasn’t home right at 8:30. I’m going to watch it while I eat lunch today and I’ll give you my review after that.

While conceptually this is a pretty nice webcam I’ve got, it’s starting to really annoy me. It stands on three legs, and you have to attach the cord to it in the right place or else the camera will look up at the ceiling instead of at whatever you want it to. I do miss using the QuickCam I had, but they don’t make that model any more. Plus, this is a laptop and it wouldn’t have been able to sit on top. There’s nothing worse that the view looking up at you if you’re trying to look .good for the camera.

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Tech writers all over the country will be popping corn and cracking open beer to celebrate a sitcom about a tech writer – Andy Richter Controls the Universe.

I loved Andy on Conan. LOVED him. For a while, MSNBC was playing Conan’s show on a two week delay at a time when I could actually watch it, and I got hooked. I don’t care if the show stinks (an the review I just linked to doesn’t seem to hate it. It’s not the Sopranos, but what else is?

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Still $1.25. Maybe because I’m watching them. When I wasn’t watching, it kept going up. I do control the universe, you know. Or I think I do. I’m a lot like a character in a Vonnegut novel that way.
