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Busy Week Ahead; Use Caution

The bad news is that I’m not going to have time to do any car shopping this week. The good news is that I’m done shopping and pick up the new hotness on Tuesday. The mom-mobile will be traded in to find love with some other family. Now that it’s mostly just me and the boy in the car, I didn’t really need a 7 passenger mini-van. I’m back to a sedan, and I’m actually pretty happy about it. I loved my van (a Sienna LE) but it was just tooooo big to a commuter car. I will keep you in the dark until I have a picture of the new wheels.

The boy is also scheduled for some Jimmy Fund baseball games – 6 between now and August 1st. So practice tomorrow and a game on Thursday. And my nephew’s All Star game is tonight, so it’s a Very Special Baseball Week. Oh, and the dentist on Wednesday. They are going to yell at me for not taking Junior to see an orthodontist, but you know what? The kid hasn’t lost or gained ANY new teeth in the past 2 years. He’s waaaaaay behind and they aren’t going to do anything for him. But I promise, this summer, we’ll go see someone. One of you remind me, okay?

So that’s about it for the sort-of-mundane portion of the post. I’m sorry it had to be like this. I did play a rousing round of frolf last night. Wait, you don’t know what frolf is? Do you have a GameCube or a Wii? You do? Okay, go find this game. It’s called RibbitKing. It’s a strange little game that at its peak was pretty much only ten bucks. It is one of my favorite games ever. It’s sort of like golf but it involves aliens hitting things that make frogs fly. There’s more too it but I haven’t had any coffee yet. Actually, here are links to the Playstation2 version of the game and the GameCube version of the game.

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Ode to the Wrong Shoes

Ode to the Wrong Shoes

I wore the wrong shoes today
Right color, wrong brand
My eyes were tired and blurred
when I reached into the closet
hoping for the best
I found them by touch
and at first glance
saw brown shoes and ended my search.
The cuffs of my pants hang lovingly
against the top
But Wait!
These are the Wrong Shoes
They are not my really comfy Merrills
They are tight
and my big toe feels crushed
stupid brown shoes
you will pay for your sneakiness and
your harm to my toe
with your life.

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Five Days of "Me" Time

I have a few days away from work. I don’t know if I’ll be able to figure out what to do with myself. I would lie to you all and say I’m going to enjoy some Jody-time but you know that’s not true. I have a lot of things that I’ve needed to catch up on, including processing video from Junior’s two concerts, continuing cleaning my room (One Bag at a Time(r)).

I think maybe I should take up a new hobby in my five days. I could learn a new language, or maybe learn the hula. I’d rather be in Hawaii for that one though, and five days isn’t enough to deal with the jet lag. I’ll try to become a new me in the next five days. I’ll be sure to introduce myself when I get back.

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Five Days of “Me” Time

I have a few days away from work. I don’t know if I’ll be able to figure out what to do with myself. I would lie to you all and say I’m going to enjoy some Jody-time but you know that’s not true. I have a lot of things that I’ve needed to catch up on, including processing video from Junior’s two concerts, continuing cleaning my room (One Bag at a Time(r)).

I think maybe I should take up a new hobby in my five days. I could learn a new language, or maybe learn the hula. I’d rather be in Hawaii for that one though, and five days isn’t enough to deal with the jet lag. I’ll try to become a new me in the next five days. I’ll be sure to introduce myself when I get back.

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Okay, Fame and Fortune, I’m Ready

I declare 2009 The Year That Jody Has Enough Money to Buy Things and Go on Vacations She Totally Doesn’t Need. That’s right, I’m saying that 2009 needs to be “the year of excess cash”. So, contact me offline and I’ll give you my mailing address so the checks can start coming. It’s not tax deductible, but really, should that make a difference? Think about me, Jody. I don’t own a single pair of cowboy boots. I have never slept in a castle. Seasonal window treatments don’t just buy themselves, my friends. Any leftover cash (HA! HAHA!) will be used to pay down credit card debt. Or to buy a different pair of eyeglass frames for each day of the week.

Thank you for supporting The Year That Jody Has Enough Money.
