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So Here’s What I Think

[Geez, this post title is actually like the implied title of every blog on the planet, isn’t it? But still, we’ll go with it for this one post.]

  • There should be more hours in a day. Not more to spend at work, but more before work, more after work, and a couple more to be used for sleeping. So my day would look like this:
    8:00am – Wake Up
    8:00-B:30am (covers new additional morning hours, A and B) Shower, dress, do a Sudoku puzzle, check e-mail, eat breakfast, leave for work
    8:30 Arrive at work
    5:30-C:30 Leave work and arrive at home
    C:30-6:30 Eat dinner
    6:30-E:00 chores
    E:00-10:00 fun stuff like Toontown, watching movies, going shopping
    10:00pm-8am sleep

    I think this could work. If we could just convince the sun and the earth’s rotation to cooperate.

  • Yesterday junior handed us a classic line. They are getting fewer and further between, now that he’s getting older, so I treasure them. He asked “Can I wear short-sleeved pants today?” Now he knows they are shorts. I blame his being half asleep when he said it, but what a great line that we will now use until we’ve driven it into the ground!
  • I downloaded some software to try to enter a contest to win a MacBook, because we really need a Mac for Mr. Dump to do design work. The contest was to do a 30 second promotional piece for the Opie and Anthony show. What I realized is that while I know in my head EXACTLY what I want to do, executing my vision is a completely different thing. It’s not pretty. At all. Plus, I have to work from downloaded versions of their show that I had to pay for, because I have no way to punch a button and just record something I just heard that would work. I think that all this work I’m doing is not going to get me a MacBook – I am not a very good radio engineer.
  • If I already HAD a MacBook, it would be a lot easier to WIN a MacBook, because it comes with that iLife software. If they made that for a PC I would have already purchased it.
  • I’ve been driving by the fairgrounds where the Bolton Fair is taking place this weekend. The rides are all set up and will be up and running at 5pm tonight. That means today and tomorrow I need to leave work early enough that I’m not going that way any time after 4:40 or so.
  • This weekend is also the Ferncol Fair. We love that fair. It’s very simple, and you get to try free ice cream that they made with their own milk. (Remember a couple of years ago we got to watch a cow give birth? That’s a great fair!). I don’t think I can handle doing both. Junior wants to do Ferncol. I lean toward Bolton, but I’d probably spend more money there. It’s supposed to rain this weekend, so I don’t know if I want to do either in the rain. WWJD?

2 thoughts on “So Here’s What I Think

  1. To your Bolton Fair point: I took Route 2 in this morning, since 117 was all closed down on the Stow/Bolton line. However, I may see if hubby wants to go. I’m looking forward to it. As I am The Office and Grey’s Anatomy premieres. Hooray!

  2. I (literally) just got home from the Big E, and I remember now why I don’t do this every year. I think next year I’ll go with a smaller, local country fair type of thing, the Big E is just TOO much to do/see/eat/walk.

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