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Link Whore

I just added a link to a site owned by a guy I know. I know him because he’s actually been inside my house at least once; a dinner guest actually. He found me charming and for that reason alone I should have put him on my link list years ago. Of course now it just seems like I’m doing it because he is apparently some sort of web guru with book credits and speaking engagements at conferences and all sorts of other geeky goodness. Not that I’ve been able to parlay his long-time friendship with Mr. Dump into anything of substance, mind you. I can’t even get my marriage to Mr. Dump parlayed into anything of substance (Ha!).

It’s not like I’m trying to become an A-list blogger or anything. Or B-lister. Sheesh. I sit here waving my arms saying “Did you know that my site was once listed in Access Magazine, the Sunday Newspaper insert that was a lot like Parade Magazine?” But that was a long time ago and I think they are defunct but it was still a pretty high profile mention.

Maybe if I post pictures of my eye.

Wait, what was I talking about? Oh ya, so I added a link to Ethan’s site but I hope he doesn’t check the link back and notice how crappy my style sheet is. That would be embarrassing.
