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Is It My Breath?

For some reason, my mom’s answering machine doesn’t like me. It keeps hanging up on me. Oh sure, it’s polite enough. It thanks me for my call before cutting me off. I can’t tell if it’s because her machine is full (which seems unlikely, but you never know. Maybe they don’t erase anything, ever) or maybe I’m pausing too long between sentences. Do I have to starttalkinglikethissoitwon’tthinki’mdone?

Maybe I’ll just ask her to make sure it’s not full. I like to pause for a breath once in a while.

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Do They Have to Report This?

Yesterday at about 6:30pm or so (I think – I didn’t look at my watch but I know the Sox game was already over) we were looking around at the cars at the new Saturn dealership in Fitchburg, which is maybe a mile or so from the Fitchburg airport, and I heard the sound of a plane engine suddenly change (like someone suddenly stepped on the gas) so I looked up – just in time to watch one plane cut right across the path of another, at what appeared to me to be the EXACT same altitude. I mean, I’ve seen planes fly close to each other, but this was a near-miss, no two ways about it. The sound I heard must have been the turning plane trying to speed up when it realized it was turning in front of someone. My best guess is the turning guy was circling in for a landing (taking left turns) and the other guy was taking off, because he continued on straight afterward.

I swear to God, my stomach went up into my throat when I looked up and saw those two planes no more than 100 or 200 feet from each other.

Mr. Dump, who was in a different part of the car lot than I was, confirmed that he looked up too and thought the same thing, that they were seconds from a crash. There was no mistaking how close they were to each other, and why the engine sound changed.

So were those pilots required by some sort of law to report the near miss? I certainly hope so. With all the BS going on because the Fitchburg airport doesn’t have a tower, this kind of thing MUST be on record. It should be on the pilot’s record, and the airport’s record. I am not anti-airport, but I am anti-unsafe flying, and the guy landing most definitely made a horrifically unsafe move.

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Kick It

The fever is gone, so we are actually enjoying the weekend. Thank goodness! I was about done dealing with sick little boy.

So this is short because it’s a 75 degree fall day and I am not staying inside the house.

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Not Quite Yet

Junior still had a fever at 2am (when he woke me to ask if he could get up to go to the bathroom. I don’t believe he’s ever asked that before – I certainly don’t think we ever told him he needed permission. Maybe he was dreaming he was at school). So no field trip to pick apples today, poor kid.

Other than that, happy Friday everyone.

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Perfect Attendance Award

There will be no perfect attendance award for little Junior Dump this year. Actually, I would be completely shocked if he ever got one, just because he’s prone to getting strep throat. That and the fact that he’s going to miss 6 days of school while we are in Florida next month. Junior had a 101 fever last night, so that meant no school today. I stayed with him this morning until after I got some gruel in him, and then filled his backpack with toys for grandma’s house. Thank God for grandma, that’s all I have to say. I’ve got 5 different meetings today, so staying home with a sick child just didn’t fit my schedule. Go ahead, tell me what a bad mom I am. I know better.

Of course, ME getting sick with the same thing also will not fit in my schedule. I’m searching for Vitamin C even as we speak.
