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My Parking Spot

Can I complain for a moment? I mean, I know there are horrible things going on in the world (including Zell Miller’s speech) but this is something that’s been bothering me greatly for about three weeks now.

It has to do with my parking spot in the garage at work. I’ve been here for over a year now, and for that entire time, I’ve parked in the same basic spot (no more than one or two away from that spot). I mean, every day for a year.

And suddenly, there are people in these spots, even when I get there early. I believe I’ve mentioned before, these are not “good” spots. They are actually kind of deep in the garage, just because I thought it would be good to get a little extra walk. A whole year I parked there, and the same car used to park next to me. And now, because they are hogging those spots, I actually have to park closer to the door. Can you believe it? So anyway, that’s my vent. Thank you for listening.
