Posted in Uncategorized

Not Sure of the Connection

Looks like Tony Pierce was having a bad day yesterday. Crisis of faith time. And at the end of the post, he linked to three sites, one of them mine. I’m never quite sure what the connection to what he writes and what he links to is, but geez, I hope I’m not one of the sell-outs he mentions. I don’t carry a briefcase, Tony. However, work does block his site, which is why I’m sending my response via my own site. Oh, and the fact that this place blocks it might be a warning to you wherever you work. I don’t usually find his site unsafe for work, but something obviously set off the warning buzzers and the red siren light that someone thoughtfully picked up at Radio Shack.

(Wow, that’s two Radio Shack references this week. I’d better clear off a space on my forehead for that “loser” tattoo.)

So if someone knows how to break the “links at the bottom of the post” code, I’d be might obliged. Unless it’s a bad thing. Then just feign ignorance.
