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Think Spring

The Spring L.L. Bean catalogs are arriving. This would be fantastic if it weren’t for the fact that the wind-chill tonight and tomorrow is supposed to put us at…wait for it…thirty below.

So while I enjoy seeing short sleeved tops and kicky sandals as much as the next gal, it’s kind of a slap in the face. Plus, it ticks me off that I cannot order clothing in the darker fall/winter colors any more. Mom let me pick a few items out of the catalog for my upcoming birthday, and in my size in a certain pant, the only colors available are the new spring colors. Well, I’m not a spring. And someone explain to me why one wouldn’t want to wear navy blue all year long? I’m not going to work wearing pastel green, thank you very much. These aren’t corduroys, they are pants. Pants I want to wear to work. So thanks, L.L. Bean, for mocking me. Maybe I’ll use your lovely spring catalog for kindling tonight when I’m trying to keep my house warm.
