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I Could Use Some Florida

I think my biorhythms are low today.

– Before I continue, do people even know what biorhythms are any more, or have they fallen out of the feel-good vernacular? I remember as a kid, taking the bus to the Fitchburg Public Library (even though we lived in Leominster, because my mom grew up in Fitchburg and that’s where she took us). Across the street (I think – or am I getting it confused with Espresso Pizza? I thought it was next to the hobby shop) there was a place with a machine that would read your biorhythms for a quarter and then give you a report on a printout that looked suspiciously like the cards that popped out of the Bat Computer. Which, of course, was probably what drew me to it. I remember it drew lines on the card for a certain period of time, and where the lines crossed were the critical times. If all three crossed up above the zero line, that was a GOOD day. If they crossed below, well, stay home and in bed. Does that sound right? So what I’m talking about when I say a low biorhythm day where the streams are all crossing [Ghostbusters reference, I know] at a low point. Got it? That’s as much as I can give you today, because I think my biorhythms are low. Which brings us full circle. –

So what was I saying? Well, anyway, if they are low, it gives me an excuse to be cranky and blue, right? Cause I am. Little things are getting to me, and I don’t want to blame it on PMS (I could), but instead on an overall low physical and emotional biorhythm. Which doesn’t mean I’m sick, it just means keep an eye out, right? I hunted down a site that will do it for you for free. Let’s see if I’m right. I went to and entered my birthdate. My emotional and intellectual are crossing the zero line headed downward. The intellectual one today, in fact. And the text at the top says “Cycles above that midpoint are positive, and cycles below the midpoint are negative. A critical day occurs when your biorhythm cycles cross the zero line on the ascent or descent. On critical days, performance in the affected cycles might be particularly poor.” Well there you go. I’m passing zero on intellectual today. I passed zero on Emotional yesterday. Not saying there’s anything to this, but it is interesting to play with anyway.
