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Dark Already?

Man, this stinks. Come back, daylight!!!

I can already feel Seasonal Affective Discorder creeping in. I don’t exactly know that I have it, but I do know that it monkeys with your thyroid, and folks like me may need a little more medication in the winter.


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Sock Impaired

I have some serious sock issues. All is not well in the land of the sock drawer, you know? Today, the socks I’m wearing keep trying to escape. If I didn’t keep pulling them up, eventually they’d be bunched in the toe of my shoes. Annoying? You bet!

I currently have three drawers dedicated to socks. One for whites and tans, one for blues, browns, greens, basically any dark color that isn’t black. And then one for black. That probably seems excessive, but what you don’t understand is that some of those socks date back to a kinder, gentler time, a time when I used to wear sneakers and jeans to work. A time when I didn’t have a kid. A time when I used to eat Doritos for lunch and not worry about it making my breath funky because who would notice?

I have a bunch of socks with no mates, and instead of throwing them out, they stay in a little pile because you just never know when the mate will show up, and if I have thrown out sock A, then I’ll be in the same boat with sock B, thinking “I know if I just hold on to this the mate will show up.”

I think it’s time to dedicate myself to cleaning out my sock drawers. I’m going to get rid of most of the white ones because after a few years, they aren’t really white any more anyway. I’m going to get rid of the faded ones. I’m going to get rid of the ones I haven’t worn in over two years. I want to make that commitment to you, dear reader. You deserve it. You deserve a Jody who is not in constant sock crisis.

God Bless America and the Cotton Council.

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Tied for 4th

And in the last seconds of the Fantasy Baseball League Regular Season, I pulled into a 4th place tie. I’ve been doing this league for four years now, and while I usually start off strong, I think this might be my best finish. I usually spiral into the toilet, which is why I’m glad it’s a free, non-gambling league. That would be flushing money down the toilet, given my expertise. I didn’t sign up for football because I found it too boring to have to wait a week, to do anything, you know? So I guess I have until next May to twiddle my thumbs.

I had something I was going to mention but now I can’t remember what it was. So I’m going to finish putting together tomorrow’s Daily Probe.

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Why Yes, That Was Me on the Radio!

If you listened to WXLO this morning and heard someone give “brilliant” [their word] baby advice to Jen, that would have been yours truly. It’s hard enough going back to work after having a baby without thinking of all the bad stuff – like missing all the milestones. Junior went to daycare at 12 weeks, and that whole first day nobody was allowed to talk to me about him being at daycare (I sent out a company-wide email when I first got back, because if I had to talk about it, I would burst into tears.) I had all those same thoughts about missing the first rolling over, the first words, the first steps – but the policy of the center (Little Souls Center in Waltham, to give them a plug) was that until mom or dad mentioned it to the teacher, they would NOT say anything about the baby doing this or that. So if he took a step at daycare, they wouldn’t tell me unless I’d told them that he took a step at home.

If mama doesn’t see it first, it didn’t happen was basically the policy. So that was my advice to Jen this morning, and they liked it so much that I heard them pass it along to another mom going back to work next week.

I didn’t call to hear myself on the radio, but luckily I didn’t sound like an idiot. I always thought I’d make a great DJ, or at least a supporting one like Steve Donovan. Speaking of whom, I’m a little unhappy that the show isn’t “Jen and Steve” anymore, it’s “Zito and Jen”. Steve is my favorite part of that show, darn it! I hope someone from WXLO reads this.

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Jody 1, House 0

Okay, for those of you who have been reading for a while, my house isn’t a showplace, unless you mean showing clutter and more clutter. And more clutter. So I feel the need to update all of you whenever I actually get something de-cluttered. Today’s success was the downstairs hallway between the kitchen and the front door. We don’t use the front door for a couple of reasons, but one of them is that it’s one of those views that you’d just rather not be someone’s first impression.

Well right now that hallway is empty. My recycling is gone, the soda storage area, gone, the bucket and mop gone and the little 3-shelf thingy covered with crap, also gone. Now I have to find new homes for some of those things, but I’m still pleased that I finally took a stab at that area. Only 150 more things that need the same level of attention!
