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My Ride Home

Just to give you a little view into my head, here are the things that I was actually thinking about on the drive home.

  • People talk about sausages in natural casings. Are there unnatural casings? What could you make a casing out of that would be edible and yet not be the intestines of a small animal? But do I really want to know? Maybe I don’t. Maybe it’s just better to not think about this.

  • I wish I could remember the exact wording of the sports report the new guy (Steve) did on WXLO this morning so I could post it on the blog. Made me laugh out loud; I just love stuff like that. I know I’m going to say it wrong, but it was something like “The Red Sox lost to the Yankees 2 to 1 last night. They’ll never do that again and then they’ll have a parade.” No, see, I didn’t say it right and it’s not funny. [10 minutes pass while I try to remember the wording.] Crap.

  • What should I wear to work tomorrow? I could go with a skirt, but I’m in training most of the day. I should try to be comfy. Ugh, training. Shoot me.

  • Why do people driving older American cars drive like crap? 20 year old Chevy = insane blind person behind the wheel, leave lots of extra room.

  • I don’t know what that DJ is talking about. What 80’s singer died 3 years ago after performing down at Foxwoods? [I never did hear the answer to this one]

So there you have it. Fun, huh?
