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First Real Thunderstorm of 2003

I’m pretty sure this is the first one. Actually, what’s odd is that I thought the rainy part of the day was over and done with, and that the weather was preparing for our sunny 80’s day tomorrow. And then it started pouring. And thundering…luckily not that close to me. Did I ever mention here how much I hate lightning and thunder? If I have to drive in it, it takes everything in my being not to burst into tears. Hate it hate it hate it. Hate the loudness of it. Fear it striking me or something near me, causing damage to my house, or fire. Hate it.

But it’s nice when it’s far away and just kind of rumbley, which is how it sounds right now. And before you tell me I shouldn’t be online, it’s laptop on the wireless connection up in my bedroom. So the computer is in no way connected by wires to any part of the house. Cool, huh?
