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Today’s Coffee Flavor Is…

Chocolate Raspberry! Of all the flavors of flavored coffee, this is my

favorite. It puts a smile on my face and a bounce in my step, it does. Well,

as close to a bounce in my step as I ever get.

Just a couple of bullet points this morning:

* The new Rolie Polie Olie movie, the one about the baby bots? Very cute. Thumbs up from junior who watched it 3 times in 2 days. He liked it much more than the last movie. And I don’t want to spoil it for you, but this movie introduces a major change to the regular show (apparently).

* Chris (it’s a person who wishes to remain anonymous so Chris could be a boy or a girl, eh?) had all Chris’s CDs stolen out of Chris’s car yesterday. It would probably cost $600 to replace them all. Is this an instance where copying CDs or downloading MP3s is “legal”? Chris OWNED the CDs, paid for them once. And if you say yes, which site/software would you use to do downloads that doesn’t put any of that crappy hidden tracking file stuff on your system (a la gator)?

* What is up with 4pm meeting times?
