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I am a Dope

Just in case there was any question left in anyone’s mind, I am a dope.
Wait, capital D Dope. (What a great word that is!) Why yes, I did leave the
driver’s-side car window wide open (as in, all the way) last night! Why yes,
it was raining when I walked around the car to get in and noticed it! Why
yes, my seat was soaked!

I want to go on record as saying I never leave my windows open. I
have no idea why I did last night – we had gone shopping for birthday gifts
and didn’t get home until after 8pm. So it isn’t as if I expected to go back
out again. *sigh*

Speaking of the birthday gifts – I was pleased with my purchases. I’m less
pleased that we’re driving to the Cape for a party this weekend and the
weather is supposed to be horrid. Too bad that party wasn’t Monday – they’re
saying it might hit 90! I’m going to have a Florida flashback! Don’t get me
wrong, temperature-wise, I’ve LOVED this whole spring. And I think it’s
pretty danged funny that the minute it rolls over to summer, the temps will
jump 25 degrees in one day.
