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Great Game

You couldn’t have asked for a better night – a warm breeze, Nomah going 5 for 5 (with 3 runs…dude!), a 10 to 1 win, and kick-butt seats courtesy of my boss (who is the greatest boss ever, just in case she’s reading this). These were her personal seats, and there were 4 of us at the game. I didn’t know exactly where we’d be or I would have posted it here because it should have been easy to find us if you were watching the game, especially when one foul ball hit the roof right over our heads. We were in roof box 20, which is the one on the 3rd base line, and we were in the first row, first four seats in from the end. So basically if you looked at the corner of the roof box seats (the ones that aren’t enclosed) that was us. *waving*

I highly recommend these seats – you get a fairly private bathroom, and two concession stands that had hardly any lines. I mean, what’s better than that? Especially the bathroom thing…that was sweet. Especially after two beers and a bottle of water.

So now I’m exhausted cause I didn’t get home until after 11:30pm and I’m such a baby that I don’t handle staying up that late very well. I hope I look alert at my 9:00am meeting…
