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Absolutely NOT a Waste of Money

That whole wireless router thingy we discussed earlier this month (or last month)? Not a waste of money. At all. Here I sit on my deck, under my umbrella that I don’t need anymore because the sun is now safely behind the house. I’ve got a snack, my laptop, my mouse, and the wind in my hair. It’s an absolutely perfect day – shorts, my sexy sandels (as opposed to the ones I wear when I need to actually walk around for more than 10 minutes) and I’m live on the internet baby. See, I can now enjoy the day and be productive at the same time. If I didn’t have this wireless connection I’d be out here reading a Jude Deveraux book, but instead I’m finishing up one of the last freelance projects on my desk. It’s win-win, really. Except the breeze in my hair makes me want to fall asleep, and part of me wants to know why it only took 10 minutes to go from 50% of my battery to 6%. Oh well, I’ve got a plug out here, so we’re good.

My only complaint, actually, is that I’m not used to this whole working think yet, and I just realized now (6:30 on sunday) that I need to do laundry if I plan to actually wear clothes tomorrow. Geez, that was never a problem when I was unemployed and lived in jeans. Also, still need to buy a few more pairs of pants, which will also help the situation.
