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Thanks Everyone!

Thanks everyone! It’s such a relief to be done! So now I can sort of say I wrote two novels. I just need to edit them to make them readable. I had hoped to make this one available after I was done, but man, it’s going to need a LOT of editing. Plus, it isn’t done. And there isn’t a plot. You know, all the things one would want to have in a novel someone else would be reading.

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Shopping? Are You Crazy?

Well, actually, under the right circumstances, I probably would have. But with Junior hovering around, it’s not all that easy to do that Santa shopping. I think I’ll be waiting another week or so to get the rest of mine done. In the meantime, we just hung out, watched Cinderella II (yawn), Dumbo, painted, made flowers, and played with the Little People Nativity Set.

One fun activity related to that: having Joseph park the donkey behind the stable after letting Mary off. Yes, this a child of the 21st century…

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Happy Thanksgiving!

A special thank you to everyone who visits my little home on the internet…knowing that people out there like me enough to visit me on a regular basis makes my whole day, every day.

Thank you!
