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Where is Yesterday’s Post?

Darn, I wrote something up yesterday and it appears it was eaten. I hope it tasted good.

It’s been a busy but fun weekend. We went strawberry picking yesterday, and Junior was an excellent helper. He only picked RIPE strawberries, stayed in the rows, and didn’t step on strawberries. He got bored with it before we did, but kept himself entertained! I was very pleased. We also discovered shopping at Kohls. I’m going to have to find a way to get back there when I’m alone. I could do some SERIOUS clothing damage in that store. They even carry “my” brand of pants, the Lee Casuals! Woo hoo!

Dinner with friends last night. They left for a camping trip today with their new pop-up tent. I really do think that’s the way to go. Some level of comfort, yet you still feel like you are camping. I can see myself investing in one of those some day. Today was more laid back. My son invited my niece over to play for a while. She’s 2, he’s 4.5, and he got bored with her when I told him he had to share all his toys and no, she was too little to watch the same stuff on tv that he likes. She left to nap, and he is too. I think I’ll take this time to sneak in a short one on the couch myself. It’s kind of freaky outside, all yellow. I guess it’s the smoke from some forest fires in Quebec, but if I didn’t know that (from reading online) I would think the world was ending. VERY odd color out there.
