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So far, so good. I got a good nap yesterday afternoon and slept like a log last night. I do feel a bit better this morning. YEA! And the coffee is good this morning…another YEA!

I forgot to mention that yesterday I got to go to the pre-school to watch my son’s Christmas sing-a-long. A group of 3 and 4-year-olds forgetting all the words to all the songs is just too funny. Man, were they ever cute. But there, in the back of the room, we my son, who apparently has ants in his pants. I stood watching and the next 12 years of parent-teacher conferences spread out before me, clear as a bell. “Mrs. Dump, Mookie is a wonderful boy but he has trouble sitting still long enough to do his assignments. If only we could tie his legs to the desk.” He was a crazy leg jiggling, not sitting still boy. Good thing he’s so darned cute and funny!
