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Back to the grind. I voted this morning. Man, our current mayor might be the cutest guy I’ve ever met in person. I swear, if he doesn’t win the election today, he should go into show business.

The cool thing is that because his opponent lives in my neighborhood, he was actually at my polling place this morning. As Mookie and I were leaving, I gave him a thumbs up to let him know I voted for him, and was rewarded with a HUGE smile and a wave. Ahhhhhh.

In novel news, the first 10k words was about 31 pages. I think the goal is to have 200 pages (well, the goal is 50,000 words, but…) so at 50k works, I’m on target for only 150 pages. I wonder what I’m doing wrong? I’m using 12 point fonts with 1 inch margins. Oh, and there is a lot of dialog, so you’d think I’d have MORE pages, rather than less. Oh well, I’m stopping that first file at 31 pages and putting chapter 4 (yea!) into a new file. I don’t want my Word files getting too big.
