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Wow! I just checked and I have 7468 words now! I am rocking and rolling! What helped was a change of scenery. I put the laptop on a small table, threw a fake log in the fireplace and let ‘er rip. I got into a whole Lousia May Alcott groove except she wrote in the attic in longhand. Well, there’s always the next novel for that, except I think I hear something scurrying up there last night, and we live in a cape so at the highest point there’s probably only 3 feet of clearance up there.

I’m going to write for another 10-15 minutes and go up to bed and do some reading. I’ve been poking through my “library” looking for good books written in the 1st person for stylistic hints. I had just finished a good one that’s at work, so I’ll take that home tomorrow.
