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Living Well With Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia from Mary J. Shomon

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For those of you who originally got to my site from my articles on, Mary Shomon's new book, Living Well With Chronic Fatigue Syndrome was released yesterday. If you are wondering if your symptoms point to CFS or Fibromyalgia, there's a warning sign list at her newest website, Living Well With Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia

This is really one area that I want to learn more about, having suffered through the most horrendous exhaustion possible right around the time my hypothyroidism started. It's one of those things people don't understand unless they experience it.

I haven't read the book yet (hey, it just came out yesterday) but I am going to because a) I might have CFS (or had it) and I want to understand it more in case I *do* and to see if it's a good book to let people read so they can understand what it's like to live like that.

I just hope there are people who will pick this up and see themselves and finally get the help they need, the way I did when I picked up her first book, Living Well With Hypothyroidism. Her book made me get my first blood test, and put a name to all the horrible symptoms. I am forever in her debt for helping me the way she did.

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