NaNoDumpO Blog


Closing in on 10,000

Wow, I'm doing really well this year! I probably just jinxed myself, but I seem to recall not being up-to-date going into the second week any other time I've done this. Well, week two is when I usually lose steam anyway. Maybe I'll have a better time of it because I am not even bothering to try to write anything even closely resembling a novel with a plot. I am ready to share with you one of the most recent horrible paragraphs full of words intended to solely inflate my word count. I can be really wordy when I need to, but you've probably already guessed that.

Oh, and my music to write to this weekend is ELO's "Electric Light Orchestra II". Just so you know. The song "Mama" to be specific. Okay, on to the quote:

You have to love a catalog geared for people who are looking to drop a million dollars on someone for a Christmas present. I mean, it's not like Penelope was sitting around lamenting her sad lack of a hovercar. No, instead of getting her something reasonable, like a coupon to give her a backrub and make dinner some night, you have to drop a million dollars on something she's only going to use once or twice. A pet peeve of mine is people who get a personal submarine and then only take it out once or twice. If you get a personal submarine for Christmas, you should take it out a minimum of 4 times, and then you should call your cousin Al and his wife and kids and maybe even the lady who lived next door you to you when you were growing up, and you let each and every one of those people take a ride in your personal submarine. I would try to make sure that they all knew how to use a personal submarine - you know, let them read the User Guide that came in the box with it, so that they understand all the controls, and what they have to do if, like, they start losing power or something. I would feel really badly if my old neighbor accidentally died in my Christmas present, but what the hell are you going to do. She wasn't really known for being a good listener, and you clearly remember telling her to bring her reading glasses so she could go over the instruction booklet. Christ, are you responsible for remembering every little detail? She could have just said she wasn't comfortable getting into your personal submarine. So now your Christmas present is all ruined cause there is a dead person in it at the bottom of the lake. Man, that just pisses me off.

posted by Jody at 7:55 PM



My book is basically a description of every house and apartment I've ever lived in, and since my parents' house in Melrose, which I lived in until I was 24, was built in 1864 and has gone through extensive renovations, there are a lot of stories there about that as well as stories about us living there. It's quite easy to bang out what I need to each day in word count. HOWEVER, the NaNoWriMo Web site says you should be at a tad more than 10K by the end of the weekend, and I'm at 8,100. The horror!
Christine, at 10:54 AM  
Think about how much further ahead than about 3/4 of the participants you are! I wish the whole book was like my quote. I'd like to read that book.
Jody, at 1:45 PM  
I am so not doing the math...I'm only at 4,018 words.
But that's 4,018 better than I was before.
Thanks for sharing your stuff!
KJ, at 11:14 PM  

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