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Not Better Yet

I did see my regular doctor yesterday, who didn’t have to look very long or hard to say that I probably wasn’t having allergy problems. No kidding. I have the eyes of the undead. Little children run and hide. People at work give me double-takes. That’s the hardest one to deal with. I feel like such a freak. If they’re giving me double takes, I want it to be for something other than my blood red eyes.

So he gave me drops and said he didn’t know if they’d help because he assumes I have a form of viral conjunctivitis. I said I didn’t care what he gave me as long as it gave me some relief. The burning and itching were driving me crazy by then, especially because it was moving into the other eye. He said it looked like my right eye was a little swollen (I could have told you that. In fact, I believe I did.) and I might have to go to an opthamologist to get steriods to deal with the swelling. He told me if I wasn’t better by Friday I should call one for an appointment.

Well, I’m calling one today. My right eye was so swollen this morning that it looked flat from my cheek up to my eyebrow…as if there was no eye socket. It’s a little better now because I’ve been putting cold compresses on them, but it is affecting my vision and I’m a little afraid to drive all the way to work in case it actually gets worse. That’s all I need is to be stuck in New Hampshire with my eyes swollen shut.

So there you go. Another fun day of eye problems. I tried to take a photo with my camera and I made a point to turn on the red eye reduction feature but damned if my eyes aren’t still horribly red. Stupid camera.


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