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I Could Live Like This

Just wanted to check in so you’d know I’m still alive. I’m alive! Lots of fun. Best house on the planet, my friends. I don’t think we could have picked a better one.

Don’t fight with each other while I’m gone. Today’s plans: siteseeing this morning while my sister’s family hits the beach for a walk and then a bikeride. We didn’t bring bikes (I don’t have one) so we’re just having family day.

High tide is 2:40 or something like that, so we’ll all be back for the beach then. Where we are is a large sand bar thingy (I’m up on my beach lingo) and at low tide you can walk out almost a mile, literally. I had my pedometer the first time we walked out and round trip we did almost 1.75 miles. Of course, we dawdle because there are so many different kinds of crabs and little fishies to watch and catch. Yesterday we lingered a little too long when the tide started coming back in and all the sand bars disappeared and we had to wade through thigh-deep water in areas. And high tide practically comes up to the steps you take down from the house.

So ya, we’re having a really sucky time, can you tell?
